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evilstevie boosted

Nurses work 12hr shifts; sell their days off; use food banks; pay £1300 a year to park. And 40,000 have left their jobs in a year.

Tory MPs sit for 150 days; get subsidised food; claim travel & energy on expenses; get free parking & £2,200 pay rises.

Back the nurses please

evilstevie boosted

@SwiftOnSecurity And you will forget about this change after one week and call IT support because nothing work anymore.


evilstevie boosted

😐 Dumb ransomware 🧨 prevention ✋idea💡:

Remove "execute" permissions from SYSVOL/NETLOGON. If you need to allow a script or executable to work, add the ACL manually. Attackers will literally never figure this out.

Also, your own IT staff probably won't figure it out...

evilstevie boosted

"Grant Shapps has denied doctoring a picture on his Twitter feed to remove former Prime Minister Boris Johnson," reports the BBC.

Here's the image on Shapps' now-deleted tweet compared to the original photo.

evilstevie boosted


certain people are always saying gender is about "basic biology" but I prefer to think it's actually about basic french because once you've agreed that a table can be feminine then you've already conceded the matter is more complicated than it looks


evilstevie boosted

It doesn't matter how many people are using #Mastodon at this moment. It has reached enough of a level of critical mass that the idea will carry forward and be improved. That's enough gas to get to the next station.

evilstevie boosted

It's not called an "app" unless it was made in the Appalachia region of the Eastern United States, otherwise it's just sparkling website.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

I love moss and I love frogs and I just discovered the cutest thing in existence: the Vietnamese moss frog 🤗


evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Never forget, a 13-year study of a dozen cities found that protected bike-lanes led to a drastic decline in fatalities for all road users.


And painted bike-lanes? No safety improvement at all. As for sharrows, it’s safer to NOT have them.

Via @Streetsblog, read article linked below.

#bikelanes #bikes #cities #sharrows #infrastructure #urbanism #cars

evilstevie boosted

@b0rk I tend to only follow wholesome people so I've yet to see any content that is blockworthy.

evilstevie boosted

1-person mastodon instance moderation 

@b0rk I haven't had to do it yet. Because I'm the only user, there';s nothing going on in my federated feed that isn't also in my local. In other words, there's no community to protect, no need to proactively block misbehaving instances until they appear in my timeline.

evilstevie boosted

Me, playing Cyberpunk 2077: haha, this is so unrealistic. everything is networked, nothing is secure, you can get super effective hacking kit basically for free

Me, studying cybersecurity: oh no

evilstevie boosted

The cashier said “Strip down, facing me.”

By the time I realised she meant the debit card, it was too late.

evilstevie boosted

I have made the tories a new campaign poster.

CW:Painting of a Tory

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted


There's nothing more damaging to the reputation of Tesla and the Boring Tunnels than a passionate advocate enthusiastically showing you exactly what it is and how it works


evilstevie boosted

Me: Hey! Check this out. I made a tiny sphere from a pathway, and it looks like a Mutant Ninja Turtle!

Rest of household: [...]

Me: What?! It DOES!

Rest of household: [backs slowly away]

Anyhow. I present the evidence for your perusal. You're welcome.

#360degree #photo #Scotland #sphere #MutantNinjaTurtle

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)