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evilstevie boosted

Had to bimble back to the town square I photographed in the rain a week or so ago. Got a much better shot this time, partly due to me getting to grips with the camera, but mainly the sun was shining and the old church shines in the sunlight.

#360degree #photo #sphere #TownSquare #Scotland

evilstevie boosted

I spend a lot of time trying to think my way around such things, convinced there must be a clever solution to be found, but it's rare for it to pay off so directly

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evilstevie boosted

Where Your Elements Came From

Image Credit & License: Wikipedia: Cmglee; Data: Jennifer Johnson (OSU) #APOD

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

OMG. Huge excitement in house eclectech as I decide to have a wee Beat Saber for the first time in a while and discover there is now a Rock Mixtape set.


#BeatSaber #gaming #VR #LookLikeAnIdiotButItsFun

evilstevie boosted

Stop saying I ‘created’ people like Marjorie Taylor Greene. That’s asinine. She was created in a meth lab.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

And some devs want to trust this AI to write production quality code or do some real life stuff 🤣

evilstevie boosted

Damn, humans suck.
"Megapodes are superprecocial, hatching from their eggs in the most mature condition of any bird. They hatch with open eyes, bodily coordination and strength, full wing feathers, and downy body feathers, and are able to run, pursue prey, and in some species, fly on the same day they hatch."

evilstevie boosted

Hello it is me

I am the extreme alt left

I am here to bully you online into accepting ridiculous ideas like:

* Literally everyone deserves a good life
* Universal, unconditional healthcare
* No one should have too much power over anyone else

evilstevie boosted

From Steven Loggins (not even sure about what platform):

"Something I learned from trail hiking is if you're ever lost in the woods, do not panic. Just say loudly and clearly 'Elon Musk is not a genius,' and several of the most unfuckable men alive will appear out of nowhere to call you poor, then you can follow them to the parking lot where their #Tesla exploded."

evilstevie boosted

Stuck in traffic? Next to an "empty" cycle lane? Sounds like you could significantly speed up your journey by cycling.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Believe it or not, it is T-shirt weather in London! Looking forward to tech rehearsal today at the Charing Cross Theatre where my musical “Allegiance” holds its first public preview performance tomorrow. I’m giddy as a child!

evilstevie boosted

Planet of the Catfisher

To answer the unasked questions...

Yes, I have been out with the new camera again.

Yes, I still absolutely love it.

Yes, I have been working on ways to remove my windswept self out of the resulting images.

Yes, I am very pleased with my decision to add a cat.

#360degree #photo #Scotland #sphere #cat #CatsOfMastodon #fishing #silly

evilstevie boosted

Scientists left a hamster wheel in the woods, and wild mice, frogs even slugs had a wild time running in it. #Science #Mice #Rodents #Hamster

evilstevie boosted

Snail on an exercise wheel 

That last boost, about the scientists leaving a hamster wheel outside and finding mice, shrews, rats, snails, slugs and frogs using it, gave me a "hang on a minute - I've animated that!" moment.

Where art leads (original gif 2006) science follows (scientific study 2014).

Anyhow, have a snail on an exercise wheel.


#science #art #snail #exercise #animation #silly

evilstevie boosted

thinkin about how mozart was broke because the royals only paid him in exposure and picturing him coming out after every concert and opera to say remember to like and subscribe

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)