Merry Christmas!
If the office Secret Santa gives you novelty mugs, make robots...

Comparing Sony A700 DSLR with external flash gun to Casio WQV-01 wristcam

Banbury has a robots* exhibition in the museum.

*way lots of 'not-robots' and cybernetically enhanced humanoids, but cool anyway.

Warning: mahoosive photo

I hadn't lost her, but it's always good to know that signs are available just in case.
appropriately purpley too

A quick meetup with someone else from here doing a random project and we have a few more pixels to share...

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that all done, set the watch to Comms -> PC, put it soooo clooooose to the infrared adaptor (like an inch or two max, and facing straight-in)
upload-all aaaaaand slowly it slurps the images down.
it worked.
Next up, convert those pics from bmp to png (minor space saving as only 120x120 pixels anyway, but let's aim for compatible with today...)

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RTFM time... nah, this watch was used so much that the majority of its interface is still muscle-memory ;)
software... ah, software.
screenshots do nothing to convey the joy of the Windows NT4-esque teal and boxes interface.
It runs under Wine okay, but not Win10 (I had a VM handy, useful for work purposes from time to time, don't judge) at all, under any compatibility options.
Remember that serial port Casio PAD-2 infrared adaptor?
software recognises Com1-8 only. in Wine. at 115200 baud.

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New battery (CR2032) and a bit of cleaning, and we have life!
aww bless, it remembers the new century.
so shiny, full of hope, everything was new again...
sorry buddy, welcome to 2023's hellscape

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So far, so promising.
I have all the bits, should be pretty simple getting a never-used infrared adaptor made before the turn of the century working with modern kit via a usb-serial adaptor, right?
software built for venerable versions of Windows with hardcoded serial ports running on a modern, usb-only laptop with a flavour of Linux should fly, right?
getting a watch unused since 2008 (new battery added to check it was working, but no way to get the pics off, so abandoned) to live again, right?

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I just want a snacky lunch. can I keep my clothes on please?

The red carpet went down a treat, doubling nicely as a turtle-blanket :)

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So the lad bought himself a Minecraft Turtle Base to play with. It came with a bunch of stickers which I dutifully and carefully applied for him. One was absent...
The pictures on the box showed a red carpet section on one platform.
There was no corresponding sticker.
He was (briefly) unhappy about this.
Mary has knitted him a red carpet for the turtle base out of Softyak wool.
I hope it's soft enough for his small plastic turtle...

wall-climbing lobsters?
organised playground equipment has come a loooong way since I was a small

Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)