@anon_opin maybe they show affection out of fear for what happens next...
guessing most other breeds have seen a Pug and gone "nope, not for me, I'm just gonna keep wagging my tail and stay out of the head-squishing process"
@JennyList yikes, that's a lot of import fees :/
unless menthol's your thing, try Teddy Grey's herbals instead?
(made in Dudley, so really really cheap on the import duties if you're UK-based. readily available across western Brum area, occasionally found much further afield)
@mattly (also, speed-reader. don't make me watch someone read out their pre-written script at the speed of a 5-yo kid taking their class reading turn reluctantly. I will *not* be watching more than 10 seconds, and will live without whatever the answer might have been instead)
@mattly also searchability, availability offline/away from the office, usability in a datacentre environment (noisy, busy, potentially physically hazardous if some muppet has the floortiles up without warning again).
my basic rule of documentation is:
can you print it out, stick it in a folder and refer to it during a full power-outage?
you don't actually need to do that for all the docs but at a basic level it sets the expectation that you might need it in less than ideal circumstances
You do use the same safety protocols for both AI and Fae:
Never tell them your name. Always use a euphemism or pseudonym. Giving one your name will always end badly.
When you doubt of the authenticity of the presentation, always try to look at it from different angles and see if there are any cracks, seems, or defects. Rotating it is the easiest way to do this.
Never, under any circumstances, eat anything offered to you by one. Politely refuse as best you can.
Do not follow directions provided by one. They will lead you astray and into harm's way. This applies to all conversations. They love to lie and will do so with absolute authority and earnestness.
@eclectech @darrenmorin @sarkasmo she regrets to inform me that I will have additional child-duties shortly :D
@dpaldrich that's not a baby, it's wee Tommy Two-names being returned to the UK
So cool! A one-pixel-wide font that exploits subpixels.
(Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/slGDHG3oyt)
@eclectech @darrenmorin @sarkasmo I shall inform herself forthwith
Following on from my sunset thread earlier... BEHOLD!
A HORNED and VICIOUS BEAST did burst forth from the MOUNTAIN OF FIRE!
#sillyScribbles #cloudCreatures #silly #sunset #nonsense #skying
I don't say pound sign i say hash my dear,
I like my quotes above the two,
And you can hear it in my keycaps when I work,
I'm an Englishman in New York.
See my hash key just above right shift,
Tall return key on two rows,
I use it everywhere I work,
I'm an Englishman in New York.
UK Layout, I'm on UK Layout,
I'm an Englishman in New York.
UK Layout, I'm on UK Layout,
I'm an Englishman in New York.
The #MAGA crowd should be investigated for elder abuse. They force this weird, old, diaper-wearing pensioner with cognitive impairment - probably dementia - to talk in public. He's so confused that he gibbers & makes no sense. I've owned socks that were more lucid. #TrumpMeltdown
What's that? Have I found more shell photos? Why, yes. I have. Thank you for asking!
(sorry, I can't resist them, they have so much character)
#sillyScribbles #photography #shell #googlyEyes #silly #nonsense
frequent overthinker, compulsive fixer, digester-then-explainer, "why?" question relishing father, minor-irritant partner, excessive disassembler, original-form hacker, high-efficiency googler, borderline-competent car-fixer, expert-level car-breaker, faster-by-qwerty communicator, indiscriminate photo-taker, Leatherman owner.