Are you a rental property owner?
Then head on down to Lazy Larry's Landlord Lightbulb Lair!
We've got lightbulbs that:
Make even the most vibrant colors look dingy
Constantly smell like they're burning
Somehow glow a little when they're supposed to be off
Have a useless Bluetooth connection because the app is no longer updated
And for a limited time only we're proud to offer shitty CFLs from two decades ago!
Hurry in soon since when they're gone they're gone!
That Meta GDPR fine is €1.2B. Plus biz must stop sending EU data to US
Original tweet :
@35millimetre happy burfday, good luck standing up after all of that lot :)
@mattround blimey, the lad loves that playground :D
the problem with working in SanFran now is that most of the companies writing the code I'm fighting with are only a couple blocks away, so I'm always slightly tempted to just go over there and hit them with sticks
The surprising part is not that math grad students named Cox and Zucker would come up with the idea of writing a paper together just as a joke.
It's that they followed through after they became professors, and wrote a paper that was actually rather significant.
@Wildheart_Baby nooooo, I've only just got the back suspension fully working again :'-(
frequent overthinker, compulsive fixer, digester-then-explainer, "why?" question relishing father, minor-irritant partner, excessive disassembler, original-form hacker, high-efficiency googler, borderline-competent car-fixer, expert-level car-breaker, faster-by-qwerty communicator, indiscriminate photo-taker, Leatherman owner.