More Tern jobs - these awesome roles are on small islands off the coast of Anglesey
Just remembered I’ve still got the clip-on lenses I bought when I added 3D mode, brb just popping into the metaverse
We all deserve much better technology and that centralization gets in the way of that a lot.
Getting there is a very slow process, but we will keep pushing forward as much as we can.
In the meantime though, please do think, hard, about the technology you use, and about where control and pressure points exist, and how those might be used and abused.
I'm just going to leave Freedom of the Press Foundation's excellent guide to leaking to the press right here in case anyone happens to need it:
Sometimes you just have to take your best guess at which end to boop, and keep your fingers crossed that you get it right 😬
@notjustbikes Just had a thought. Self-driving car software like Tesla's recognize speed limit signs via the car's camera array and adjust their speeds accordingly (+10 KM/H because hey laws are just a suggestion, right?). As autonomous cars become common what if cyclists started wearing jackets with a 20 KM/H speed limit sign printed on the backside? Alternatively print a large orange construction cone on the back since a car is unlikely to give a cyclist space but they are scared of cones.
Posted tonight by an independent reporter who broke one of the major U.S. government stories this week.
Rupert Murdoch gave us Donald Trump and his fascist putsch. So the #MurdochJournal being upset at his damage to the American economy is at least a compensatory dose of Schadenfreude. You asked for it, assholes.
frequent overthinker, compulsive fixer, digester-then-explainer, "why?" question relishing father, minor-irritant partner, excessive disassembler, original-form hacker, high-efficiency googler, borderline-competent car-fixer, expert-level car-breaker, faster-by-qwerty communicator, indiscriminate photo-taker, Leatherman owner.