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evilstevie boosted

Hot-spotted to someone else's connection for this, so must log off & not get distracted, but I have photos of SEAL PUPS to share when I get back to broadband. They are SO CUTE!

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evilstevie boosted

Nice little nerdy computer with sensible-looking spec & low price

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Snoop Dogg is out here living life like he completed the main story quest and is now knocking out the wacky and fun DLC content.

evilstevie boosted

If any Twitch streamers want something silly & Olympics-related: play Janey Thomson's Marathon & spend a couple of hours running a whole marathon

evilstevie boosted

#mastodon social removed a post today.

It was a map showing the drastic shrinking of Palestinian territory since 1946.

I challenged it - and mastodon social agreed they were in error.

It seems some bad actor is going around taking down anything that highlights Israel's crimes - 75 years of crimes.

To that bad actor I say -- "The world is waking up to what Israel is, you can't stop that."

Here's the map again because the post was not restored.

#freepalestine, #BDS end the #genocide

finally! big rumblies happening over Leamington.

next up, some water-cooling please!

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

This is hilariously bad peak bubble bullshit marketing. The value proposition of this product is apparently you don't have any human friends so you want inane LLM babble at the press of a button to convey the impression of a "friend" interacting with you.

It's like a Furby without the fur.

evilstevie boosted

People: AI is destroying our environment.

Tech bro: This is an incredible opportunity for innovation in green tech energy!

People: There's no such thing as green tech energy. It all pollutes. It's just a matter of scale

Tech bro: The more energy and water AI consumes the greater the opportunities for tech innovation in energy and water conservation

People: You're not making any sense.

Tech bro: AI is the future. You can't stop progress. Innovation is key to everything.

People: Are you AI?

evilstevie boosted

The more you work with governments and multinational enterprises internationally, the more you realise that the ‘deep state’ and most popular conspiracy theories couldn’t possibly be true because most people are just incompetent.

Like *sure* they have the resources, but have you met half the people working at these levels?

And they can’t operate without staff, and people would just leak it all, not even intentionally.

I think of the idea of the Illuminati or some other underground network controlling the world, then I log into Azure DevOps and look at 1000 people’s efforts to deliver a fucking web service and I’m reassured that I’m correct, without a shadow of a doubt.

evilstevie boosted

Just remembered the museum we visited in Norway 5 years ago where everyone else was inexplicably ignoring a whole building & jetty full of VIKING SHIPS, we had the area to ourselves

evilstevie boosted

I was called to a job yesterday.. "they just cut through their internet cable while redecorating, both ends of the cable are accessible, they just need rejoining."
Nobody told me one end was a ~100pair (200 wires) and had been cut almost back to the wall.
Needless to say.. I couldn't repair their internet, without having engineering access to put a tone on the line from the exchange I had no hope of guessing which pair it should have been connected to 😭.
#BT #BTOpenreach #Openreach #DSL #VDSL

evilstevie boosted

Appybird has gone to Southwold Pier for its summer holidays. Wish it luck. #emf #emfcamp #emf24 @emf

evilstevie boosted

It's FRIIIIIIDAAAAAAY! As ever have a good weekend, if you possibly can. Whoop whoop!

#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)