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evilstevie boosted

Harassing botnets with zipbombs.

The idea is this: instead of just blocking IP addresses that hit honeypot URLs, feed them a compressed document that massively expands on their end, making them run out of memory and crash.

This is extremely...

evilstevie boosted

Visitor to the garden this afternoon, looking bright and cheery in the sunshine before noisily flapping off into the woods.

#sillyScribbles #bird #boop #silly

evilstevie boosted

Nicholas Mitchell looking grim: King Charles is an a critical condition today after his butt fell off. Pioneering surgery to replace his butt with a sex arse has had to be delayed due to import issues at Calais. The ghost of Barbara Windsor has said she is "praying for the king's jacksie"

This is what it's like to live in this country

evilstevie boosted

Nowadays it's almost impossible to have your own domain without also having to know more about email authentication than you ever wanted to

evilstevie boosted

1679: piracy is on the rise, King Charles is deeply unpopular

2024: piracy is on the rise, King Charles is deeply unpopular

evilstevie boosted

UK politics, Sunak's distasteful bet 

@Wildheart_Baby It’s brutal isn’t it? Playing with people’s lives.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

In Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov, a character is stuck after his car breaks down, because he doesn't know how to open the door.

Guys, Asimov predicted Teslas.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

The lockdown project for one of my parents neighbours was to build a scale model of the lake district from Lego. It’s now in the local museum.

evilstevie boosted

So like 30% of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQIA+. Not only is that great, but it points at exactly how many queer kids of prior generations stayed in the closet so long they forgot it was even a closet. The only difference between then and now is that my generation fought like motherfuckers to make it safe for these kids to be themselves. If you think for one second you’ll drag us back, I got news for you - we already kicked your ass once, we can do it again as many times as it takes.

evilstevie boosted

GOP pollster Patrick Ruffini pretends AI generated photos show black Trump supporters registering to vote.

(ETA: no wonder he needed AI, the fictions compound. Black republicans? Republicans registering black people to vote? Black Trump supporters? It's all made up like the star on that "American" flag.)

(Look carefully)

evilstevie boosted

it's doomsday tomorrow and im still procrastinating.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

With Space X we thought we were past being stuck having to use rockets made by Nazis.

Plus ça change...

evilstevie boosted

vendors: you should implement Zero Trust and Assume Compromise

me: right, so you mean I shouldn't trust you and assume you're compromised, right?

vendors: NOT LIKE THAT

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Well, it's #GroundhogDay, again.

“Only in America do we accept weather predictions from a rodent but deny #ClimateChange evidence from scientists.”

I share this meme every year on February 2. #science

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)