Morning! Been having a few days mainly offline while catching up with friends, but feel a need to keep my #photOctober2023 run going. The theme for day 30 is flame.
This is from the late 1990s, shot on a cheap old film camera at Fringe Sunday in Edinburgh. I clearly remember the performer making a joke about how difficult it would be to catch the finale flame on camera.
I only took one shot but I got it. I was SO pleased when I got the film processed.
I'm okay with the idea that the fediverse isn't going to be the best fit for everybody. But people keep championing Bluesky as being "like Twitter was at an earlier stage of its life," and I feel like responding "say that again, but slowly." Having been through Twitter's lifecycle once, I find it impossible to feel good about going through it again.
Bumblebees learn by observing other bees. Bumblebees, like ants, may even teach each other. In a University of London experiment a bee watched a "fake bee" (a fuzzy yellow & black orb on a stick) pushing a yellow ball into a circle for a sugar water reward. The bee copied this action.
When a nest mate was introduced, they learned by watching the bee trained in the previous experiment. I find the idea of a "fake bee" adorable.
It's amazing how quickly fungi appears. Yesterday there were a few scattered around this wooden planter in the garden, today it was fully surrounded. LOADS of them.
Fortunately they are very friendly, and hope you all have a lovely day.
#sillyScribbles #photography #fungi #fungiFriday #silly #drawing #gardening
Tory sexual assault scandal, rape
@stavvers my hope is failing for the Conservative MP to Noncington & Creepe, Mr Peter Fyle.
@saddestrobots @doublehelix it's an ai that identifies bigot fuckwits.
This is so cool.
"the team has devised a chipless, paper-only version of a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag. ... [the] design requires no other material than paper. The company simply uses a laser to mark a circuit onto its surface, with the laser settings tuned so as not to cut or burn the paper but to change its chemical composition to make it conductive."
I spent a while waiting for certain spaces at the Natural History Museum to become free of people so I could take cleaner, better photos, but when I scanned the negative of Hintze Hall I was fascinated by the individuals below the whale skeleton: the group wearing matching baseball caps, the three men studying a map, the girl posing on the steps.
It's a mistake to discount humans when we come to observe the natural world, especially as we hold so much influence over it.
DHH says most companies should “seriously reconsider the cloud craze.”
OK, I considered it seriously. Here are my very serious thoughts.
frequent overthinker, compulsive fixer, digester-then-explainer, "why?" question relishing father, minor-irritant partner, excessive disassembler, original-form hacker, high-efficiency googler, borderline-competent car-fixer, expert-level car-breaker, faster-by-qwerty communicator, indiscriminate photo-taker, Leatherman owner.