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evilstevie boosted

"Jamie, I am not answering any more maths questions until you've been to the loo and washed your hands."

Honestly, I'm in bed, not dressed yet, and still have half a cup of tea. This is not the time for multiplication past 12s.

#parenting #autistic

evilstevie boosted

The woods at night.

Maybe...a. new project. This was my effort at shooting at night with no illumination other than moonlight - no torches, flash or street lighting at all.

I love the blue light. I hate the fact that focusing, even in manual, is hard. This was shot at 800iso, aperture at 6 and the shutter was open for 2 minutes. Anyone with any ideas as to different settings holler.


evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

The Southern Painted Turtle has a distinctive stripe on its shell which scientists believe makes it go faster

#turtles #reptiles #herpetology

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evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Christmas. Artwork. Mashup. 

You: So, eclectech, have you ever considered combining classic Christmas pop tunes with famous artworks of enormous cultural importance?

Me: Why yes, yes I have. Thank you for asking.

#LastChristmas #LastSummer #LastChristmasSupper #festive #Christmas #art #silly #mashup

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Royal Family, racism 

The woman on the left was a lady in waiting who has just been sacked for being a massive racist. This photo makes this country look like a ridiculous circus of inbred racists. It's like the Royal family of Royston Vasey.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Good evening, Twitter was a 16 year sociological study conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.

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evilstevie boosted

British laws, before they're even seen by MPs, are presented to the monarch in what was called Queen's Consent. Now, King's Consent. They can make amendments to the laws before they're even public.

In 1968 the Queen negotiated clauses to the Race Relations Act exempting the Queen and the household from laws that prevent discrimination. They argued that it was "not the practice to appoint coloured immigrants or foreigners".

Far from racism having "no place"; the royal household is built on it.

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evilstevie boosted

Weird fluffy advent, day 1 

One odd festive fluffball every day until #Christmas

What more could you want?

#FluffyAdvent #silly #festive #creature #picture

evilstevie boosted

iOS 16 has a automatic/magic photo cutout feature. It's lots of fun...

evilstevie boosted

I’ve been saying this for years.

Boost and fav if you agree!

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)