Microsoft will get owned using creds stolen from Recall on one of their staff's systems
(this one is less of a prediction and more of a "please I need this to happen because it would be a gem of pure amusement in an otherwise cold and indifferent world")
HAPPY NEW YEAR lovely people of the fediverse 😁 May it be bouncy and joyful for you all.
Another day sacrificed to the #3dprinting gods. A new public domain release from #neotoylab enjoy! @nhgeek
I think this is really neat: a map of where you can get to by train within 8 hours from any European train station. Hooray for trains.
I built this tool a year ago but I feel like Mastodon folks would like it
The "Weird Old Book Finder"
Type in a search query, and it'll find one randomly-chosen public-domain book that matches the query -- and present it for immediate reading:
Why only one book? To prevent the paradox of choice! Just *start readin'*
Can't promise every book will be weird, but most are
A longer essay on how/why I developed it:
This was a search for "mastodon"
With my usual impeccable timing, I’ve chosen the day after the Christmas rush to set up a blog collating nice stuff that I find in museum and gallery shops.
frequent overthinker, compulsive fixer, digester-then-explainer, "why?" question relishing father, minor-irritant partner, excessive disassembler, original-form hacker, high-efficiency googler, borderline-competent car-fixer, expert-level car-breaker, faster-by-qwerty communicator, indiscriminate photo-taker, Leatherman owner.