Ernie gets today's Genius Award. Go do what he says and make your Google experience a million percent better. (Here's how I did it in Chrome in less than 30 seconds)
In the most glorious "fuck you" I have seen in a while, you know the book that Cumberland City Council banned because they're homophobic bigots - Holly Duhig's "A focus on Same Sex Parents"? Well, the publisher, BookLife Publishing, have made a PDF version of the book available for free.
Sure be a shame if it was shared far and wide now, wouldn't it?
Every time you ban a book filled with hope and kindness, and care and love, we will resist.
#CumberlandCityCouncil #SameSexParents #BookBans #Bookstodon
You've been astounded by the flowerhog, bewitched by the lichenhog, now it's time for... the dandehog!
(I seem to have got caught in a hog rut)
#sillyScribbles #photography #nature #silly #nonsense #drawing
@DinosaurRobo @Wildheart_Baby welcome to the jungle
the waiting room has games
please fill out this intake form
honey i'll help your pain
we have the people with degrees
listening to you breathe
we're gonna wrap up your broken arm
and send you home without disease
in the jungle, welcome to the jungle, feel it charging you a
sha-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa fee, fee
oh, we're gonna stop your bleed!
A decidedly more upbeat film than the original
One of the few openly Anti-Fascist voices in uk politics, and he has to wear a bin on his head for the Media to pay him attention.
#London #LondonMayoralElection #CountBinface #Ukpolitics #UKpol
"A second Boeing whistleblower has mysteriously died."
the upside of having ADHD is that I can complete a month's worth of work for a whole team in the space of a weekend and a couple of evenings.
the downside of having ADHD is that I keep putting myself in situations where I need to complete a month's worth of work for a whole team in the space of a weekend and a couple of evenings.
I think I interrupted something, but I'm not totally sure what
#sillyScribbles #photography #bees #silly #nonsense #drawing
My million dollar idea I want someone to steal and do, so I can be a customer.
"Dumb Stuff" we sell electronic appliances that aren't Internet connected. That's all.
That's it. That's the pitch. I would buy the <bleep> out of this company if their electronic gadgets were even half way decent, and repairable.
Electronic, no wifi, regular screws to open it up. That's it. Do those three things, and you can be sold by this store.
I will pay this business to curate and find these devices for me.
frequent overthinker, compulsive fixer, digester-then-explainer, "why?" question relishing father, minor-irritant partner, excessive disassembler, original-form hacker, high-efficiency googler, borderline-competent car-fixer, expert-level car-breaker, faster-by-qwerty communicator, indiscriminate photo-taker, Leatherman owner.