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evilstevie boosted

and you may find yourself connected to a wifi network
and you may find yourself geolocated in another part of the world
and you may not recognize the wifi network name
and you may ask yourself, well, who gave me the wifi password

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Made a dumb website so I wouldn't ever have to Google "tm symbol" again.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

All of YouTube is destined to become lost media when Google loses interest or viewers move onto something else. All these channels that you love now will only exist on the creators hard drives and you'll never be able to see them again

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Saw someone refer to the Cybertruck as an incEl Camino and, yup, that's what it's called now.

evilstevie boosted

POV: You made the mistake of trying to track a package in 2024

evilstevie boosted

We have laws that say companies have to disclose a breach when it involves the theft or disclosure of certain information. But AFAICT none of those laws say companies have to disclose the issue on their homepage somewhere. Even with breaches that are going to require all of the victim's customers to do IT gymnastics for several days to mitigate the threat.

Day 5 of Sisense's epic ownage and still crickets about the issue on their homepage.

evilstevie boosted

It's ridiculous that I've got a 3D game on my site that happily runs at 120fps on normal mid-spec PCs/phones but there are news sites chugging away harder to show some text. Browsers have come so far but every improvement gets pissed away on ads & bad coding

evilstevie boosted

You know the "repeat the previous text" trick to get initial chatbot prompts?

This variant sure makes it look like Bing Copilot GPT4 is leaking state between user sessions. I have never used copilot before.

evilstevie boosted

OK, so someone just put Brass Against - Killing in the Name into my timeline and while it was playing my Friday dancers started doing this.

That's some dark magic going on there.

evilstevie boosted

the first thing they tell you at the cyber academy is if anyone shows romantic interest in you they are a spy 😔

evilstevie boosted

Covid, private boosters, UK 

Have just discovered that it's now possible to buy a Covid booster in the UK.

Ignoring, for the moment, the issues in not providing them for more people via the NHS, I thought there might be others out there keen to take advantage who had also missed the news, so there's a summary of current situation here:

Thanks to @ProfLouiseL for the initial heads up & @richardloxley for the summary.


evilstevie boosted

🎵Peep peep
🎵That's the sound of parakeets

evilstevie boosted

People trying to train AIs are now complaining that all of the AI data on the internet are making it hard for them to get quality training sets of natural language and images.

*bitter snickering*

evilstevie boosted

I cannot wait until we come full-circle and someone builds a model to convert youtube videos into written articles

evilstevie boosted

Twitter just doing a "redirect links in tweets that go to to instead but accidentally do so for all domains that end like eg going to" is not absolutely the funniest thing I could imagine but it's high up there

evilstevie boosted

In case anyone outside the UK is wondering - yes, our media & govt really are that transphobic, and the views of extremist bigots are being gradually & carefully rubber-stamped as moderate & scientific, it's grim

(Are there complex and messy issues around the precise details of how certain aspects of gender identity should be handled? Yes, of course! But people like R*wling and Gl*nner fundamentally believe trans people don’t/shouldn't exist, a view that's being rapidly normalised)

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)