Obsessed today with the genetics of The Muppets Christmas Carol. The movie depicts a truly mixed society of humans and Muppets. Families seem to be one or the other, suggesting two fully separate lineages living side by side. The majority of characters are either human or Muppets of a vaguely animal or creature shape. However, there are also a few human shaped Muppets. Could they be rare hybrids? Then there's the Kermit-Ms. Piggy pairing, which produces only male frog and female pig offspring.
Week 29 of adding a dancer a week & this is becoming absolute CHAOS. On reflection the hats & bells have not helped calm it down, but not to worry.
So time to wish everyone a very happy weekend, & if you celebrate Christmas I hope your festivities are exactly what you want, & if you don't celebrate I hope your non-festivities are exactly what you want.
Right. I'm off to jingle some bells.
#FridaySparklyDancers #xmasScribbles #sillyScribbles #animation #dance #silly #drawing
For fluffy advent day 22 we learn that sometimes it can be hard to find a hat that fits properly, but where there's a will there's a way.
#xmasScribbles #festive #photoshop #fluffyAdvent #oddCreature
Lunchtime train of thought...
- Hey, that moss looks like a figure, reaching out
- I should add a Santa hat
- Hang on, it's the winter solstice isn't it? I should add antlers.
- Hmm. That doesn't work with the Santa hat. Wonder if it would work in green.
- Hmmm.
*Goes down a bit of a solstice rabbit hole*
- Oh. I'm a day early for solstice.
- Bah.
*posts anyway*
Day 21 of fluffy advent and I was right about it getting weird again after yesterdays cute overload.
#xmasScribbles #festive #photoshop #fluffyAdvent #oddCreature
“The signal is repeating! We’ve got the whole thing.”
“How many bits?”
“Almost 500k. 454,957 bits”
“I got a hunch, factorize that number”
“Bingo, seven fifty seven times six oh one. Think it could be a rectangular bitmap?”.
“It’s what we used to do back before those assholes let Arecibo fall down. Try bm2png.pl in my bin dir.”
“That worked. Holy shit I know that image. It’s the Pioneer plaque. That diagram from Pioneer 11 of human figures, and a map to Earth.”
“What, thats impossible, it’s only been, what, 70 odd years. That probe would still be in our own Kuiper Belt.”
“Outside it, actually, it’d be about one sixty AU out. They lost contact in the mid 90s. Still basically in our backyard but.”
“It’s too soon! If someone’s found it now, that would mean. Shit. They’re. Already. Here. Inside the Solar system.”
“And all they’ve got to say, is ‘Hi, we liked ur meme’.?”
“Maybe not, can you bring up an image of the original plaque? Are the images identical?”
“I’ll do a layer subtraction. Hey, there /is/ a difference. In the map of the planets. They’ve omitted Pluto from their copy.”
“Fucking hell. Little green reply guys.”
The cutest of the cute for day 20 of fluffy advent (don't worry, it gets a bit odd again tomorrow)
#xmasScribbles #festive #photoshop #fluffyAdvent #guineaPigs
🎶 If you're blue, and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fashion sits?🎶
(if your Mastodon only shows you landscape images you need to click to see the awful, awful pun)
#xmasScribbles #sillyScribbles #animation #dance #pun #puddinOnTheRitz #sorryNotSorry
Fluffy advent day 18 & it's time for a Christmas quacker (sorry)
#xmasScribbles #festive #photoshop #fluffyAdvent #oddCreature
It is important, I think, to be able to party in the right place, with the right people.
#sillyScribbles #animation #dance #Scotland #landscape #photography
frequent overthinker, compulsive fixer, digester-then-explainer, "why?" question relishing father, minor-irritant partner, excessive disassembler, original-form hacker, high-efficiency googler, borderline-competent car-fixer, expert-level car-breaker, faster-by-qwerty communicator, indiscriminate photo-taker, Leatherman owner.