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evilstevie boosted

Water injection, for anybody who is not familiar, is injecting water droplets into ordinary combustion engines to either smooth temperatures to reduce knocking, in reciprocating cylinder engines, or to increase thrust in jet engines. It has _nothing_ to do with extracting hydrogen from water.

evilstevie boosted

Camouflage has become such a meme that I'm always amazed when I see it serving its intended purpose.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

- Been sorting through some photos from when we were at Rannoch Moor.

- Oh aye. Beautiful spot.

- It is. I was just thinking it needs one teeny-tiny tweak...

- [...]

#xmasScribbles #sillyScribbles #Scotland #photography #landscape #festive

evilstevie boosted

In April 2020, when we were first allowed out for some socially-distanced exercise, I shot some Ektar around Chew Valley Lake. Another set here for #ArtAdventCalendar #believeinfilm #shootfilmbenice

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

The local birds are getting into the spirit of the season (the spirit of the season being largely represented by Santa hats in my world)

#xmasScribbles #xmasHatting #bird #photography

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Day 9 of fluffy advent, and today's fluff is a BIG fan of festive nuts and shiny baubles. But then again, aren't we all?

#xmasScribbles #festive #photoshop #fluffyAdvent #oddCreature

evilstevie boosted

Been meaning to say, if anyone has a pet that they are desperate to see in a Santa hat but either 1. thinks it would be an indignity to make them wear one or 2. would like to avoid their pet taking appropriate revenge for the indignity, do share a photo with me & I'll happily do a virtual version if I can!

I realise in the days of AI and photo filters you don't need a photoshopper anymore, but just in case anyone wants an artisnal version 🎅 🐱 🐶

#festiveBlether #catsOfMastodon #dogsOfMastodon

evilstevie boosted

I had an odd little animation that had been sitting unfinished for weeks. I wondered if I could make something festive from it.

So, aye.

#sillyScribbles #animation #dance #googlyEyes #snow

evilstevie boosted

Apropos of nothing, it's impossible for anyone in this house to say "phenomenon" without someone else immediately singing "do doo be-do-do", Muppet style, and I heartily recommend it for improving any conversation about any kind of phenomenon.

(do doo be do)

evilstevie boosted


do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle do do do-doo do!

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evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Normally I curse people playing music out loud on public transit, but this guy is blasting birdsong recordings and I love him

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)