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evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

@SwiftOnSecurity on my new hire onboarding training deck I present I have a slide that just says:

“Dance like nobody is watching, Slack like one day it’ll be read aloud at a deposition.”

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

This is a huge benefit of working from home and it needs to be trumpeted from the rooftops. Any company that forces workers back with one side of their face and claims to be caring about the environment out of another should be called out.

evilstevie boosted

Never do something so terrible you get Elon Musk to defend you.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

@bartek @tryst @SwiftOnSecurity
VINCENT: You know what they call a foot massage in Paris?
JULES: They don't call it a foot massage?
VINCENT: No, man, they got the metric system there. They wouldn't know what a foot is.

evilstevie boosted

The existence of a Barbie Mount Rushmore implies the existence of a Barbie genocide and a Barbie settler colonialism. I have no idea what to do with this knowledge.


evilstevie boosted

Went for a nice coffee with a friend this morning. Walked home and the weather was pleasant, and people I passed were friendly, and I followed a really cute curly-haired waddling dog for a while, and I was reminded of Kurt Vonnegut's urge to notice when things are good.

So, aye, hope you're all as well as can be this Friday.

#nature #photography #flowers #drawing #sillyScribbles

evilstevie boosted

Once you open WireShark you realize all these machines are fucking eachother all the time.

evilstevie boosted

🎶 I got my first ugly monkey pic
Bought it from the yacht ape club
Talked about it 'til my throat bled
Was the summer of NFT

Me and some guys from discord
Had a DAO we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I should've known we'd fucked it real hard

Oh, when I look back now
That hype seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Yeah, I'd always wanna buy in
Those were the best days of my life 🎶

evilstevie boosted

It would be nice if we could stop showing MPs on TV saying shit like illegal migrant, and dub them like they used to do with Gerry Adams, in the 80's, replacing the racism with someone saying "racist epithet"

evilstevie boosted

Finally managed to be set up with a tripod at the right time to catch a monarch butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.

(This is at normal speed, btw)

evilstevie boosted

I keep seeing people saying they are happy to use AI text generators as sources of factual information, because they're confident that when the thing generates an inaccurate answer they'll easily spot it.

Speaking from my experience of 20+ years of professional fact-checking: the errors you can spot easily are not the ones you need to worry about.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

I'm old. How old? So old that I still can't bring myself to put a space in a filename.

evilstevie boosted

"We don't need to visit Egypt, we've got Suez at home."

Suez at home:

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

I'm re-reading Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year. I'd forgotten there's a section on how, during such crises, people become prone to irrational beliefs and charlatans promoting, for want of a better expression, 'conspiracy theories' and anti-scientific ideas, and how these obsessional beliefs engender paranoia and the threat of group violence against 'non believers'. Maybe it's just something that (some) humans do in such times...
#Pandemic #conspiracytheory

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)