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evilstevie boosted

Want to feel old? This is what the vampires from Buffy the Vampire Slayer look like now.

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So.... Apparently at the ESA JUICE launch on Friday in French Guiana, a random sloth photobombed the live stream. He's been nicknamed 'rocket sloth' or 'Jerry'.

evilstevie boosted

This from @mmasnick is so spot on:

“your reputation when you refuse to moderate is not ‘the grand enabler of free speech.’ Because it’s the internet itself that is the grand enabler of free speech. When you’re a private centralized company and you don’t deal with hateful content on your site, you’re the Nazi bar.”

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

"Computer, find me an image of a man wearing a gold ring."

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Error: Your password must contain at least two characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.

evilstevie boosted

A mechanism for #LongCovid

I am beyond excited to finally be able to share what I’ve been working on for the past year.

At the beginning of March 22, I discovered a potential mechanism for #LongCovid. It was a unifying mechanism that could explain every single symptom that patients were reporting, something I never thought possible for a disease that has over 200. Yet, this mechanism actually did.


evilstevie boosted

I've been quite pleased with some of the photos I've taken today, but this is the one that made me laugh. In my attempt to capture the starling and robin together, eating their bugs while studiously ignoring each other, I totally failed to focus on either of them.

Still, nice in-focus blades of grass across the centre there.


#photography #fail #nature #birds #drawing #silly

evilstevie boosted

Found some funky plants today too, as well as the birds and the bees.

So much new life...

#photography #nature #silly #animation #GooglyEyes

evilstevie boosted

“I am so happy to have finally got this shot. It has taken me all winter. I have had so many difficulties; frozen equipment, blurry photos through ice, battery issues, flash placements and flare, clouds(!), cats’n’dogs, wind blowing everything over, night exposure, and the list goes on. So you can imagine my excitement and disbelief this morning when I found this on my card! Thank you beautiful Mrs fox, you get an Oscar.”

~ Duncan MacArthur

evilstevie boosted

I was on a podcast where kids quizzed two people to decide who was a fake and who was a real expert.

The host said early on, the kids thought the fake was the expert every time because the actors answered every question confidently and the experts would hedge or even sometimes say, "I don't know."

They eventually told the fakes to be less confident so the kids would pick the expert sometimes.

It just occurred to me this is now real life with #chatGPT (but nobody is telling it to back off).

evilstevie boosted

Just got the initial demo of the music for current project and WOW; even if it turns out to be a dull game, it'll be a dull game with an amazing soundtrack

evilstevie boosted

“If you can afford to spend billions of dollars on a thing, and smash that thing all to fuck and then giggle childishly as the shattered fragments fall to the ground, you can damned well afford to pay your fair share of taxes.”

Jeff Tiedrich (on Elon Musk)

evilstevie boosted

It was drawn to my attention that there are machines for washing vegetables and they look excellent fun.


#video #machine #drawing #animation #silly

I'm aware giffing this kills the quality (such as it is) but I can't upload animated webps here.

Better quality / smaller file on my website, to be enjoyed alongside an old skool site with no ads, no pop-ups, no cookies, nothing...

Well, except a load of silly stuff I've made.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Spent the afternoon coding some deceptively fiddly date-handling stuff, it's not often I have to completely rethink my entire approach multiple times and pace around the flat swearing

evilstevie boosted

🤖 In AD 2101 war was beginning
🔅💥 🔆💥
👸🏽 what happen
👷🏻‍♀️ someone set up us the bomb
💁🏾‍♂️ we get signal
👸🏽 what !!
💁🏾‍♂️ main screen turn on
👸🏽 it’s you !!
👾 how are you gentlemen !!
👾 all your base are belong to us
👾 you are on the way to destruction
👸🏽 what you say !!
👾 you have no chance to survive make your time
👾 ha ha ha ha
👷🏻‍♀️ captain !!
👸🏽 take off every ZIG
👸🏽 for great justice

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)