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evilstevie boosted

The best thing I've seen written on Musk and Twitter is this random YouTube comment (that I can't find a way to link to directly)

evilstevie boosted

“Northern Ireland is the worlds most exciting economic zone because it has access to the EU and the UK.” — Rishi Sunak

The penny has a little further to drop.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Blockchain was an interesting niche tech that was not good for anything practical but was hyped to the rafters by grifters and failed spectacularly.

Generative AI is the new interesting niche tech that's not good for anything practical but is being hyped to the rafters by grifters and will fail spectacularly.

When ordinary people just assume anyone in tech is full of shit, this is why.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

The whole of the UK used to be in the single market, you fucking dullard.

evilstevie boosted

Capitalism has convinced you RSS is antiquated. The real reason it's fading is because it doesn't have ads and tracking. You going to tell me the news article is truly better on a browser with ads than on a little program you can open any time, on or offline?

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Both versions of my @jimllpaintit 10th anniversary picture (Father Jack and the original Regan) are available on my print site now and also on for t-shirts

evilstevie boosted

the safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to a guy who wrote reams of Socrates fanfiction under the nickname "Beefcake"

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

ADHD people should be funded to do their silly daydreamy megaprojects

Imagine what we could build

evilstevie boosted

Last night the 11yo broke down the Google Slides middle school Chatroom for me:

1. At first they used a Google doc but the infinite scroll was too chaotic
2. In the slide deck each new slide is one “post”—some all text, some images, some both—
3. They use slides’ comments feature to “reply” to each other’s “posts”
4. This allows participants to easily flip between posts using the slide thumbnail navigation, so they can find the conversations they care about easily
5. He owns the file & if anyone spams it, deletes other people’s posts, or gets nasty, he can revert the file to its previous save state & remove the spammer’s access
6. He did share the file with me on purpose, I think because he was proud & wanted me to see what he’d made

Essentially they’ve created a chatroom with moderation in Google Slides, so they can get around the school’s ban on platforms like Discord. It’s kind of brilliant

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evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

BOSS: I need you to put these coupon stickers on all the Pick Me Up boxes

EMPLOYEE: Do you care where we place those stickers?

BOSS: Yeah, *on the box*. Don’t make me repeat myself. Idiots.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

As a parent you never want your baby to drop below 60 hit points

evilstevie boosted

CATHOLIC CHURCH: No meat on Fridays
PEOPLE: Ok so no eggs for breakfast
CC: No, eggs are ok
P: But eggs are chicken
CC: Not until they hatch
P: So the thing isn't the thing until it's born?
CC: Correct—um, no, wait.

evilstevie boosted

I don’t mean to tell Banksy how to do his job but it would’ve been the funniest thing ever if after the Queen died he just stopped painting for like a year, until everyone was like, "Hang on a minute..."

evilstevie boosted

[Spelling bee]

Judge: your word is “bird”


Judge: … “bird” is the word


Me: Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Ooma mow mow, papa, ooma mow mow

*buzzer sound*

Judge: incorrect

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)