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evilstevie boosted

take me down to parallax city where the back moves slow and the front moves quickly

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evilstevie boosted


“The childcare is then immediately outsourced to the workers, of whom [the queen] can make more, any time it wants.”

Which is why they’ve never been able to successfully unionize.

evilstevie boosted

It's a testament to how much better the fedi is that when this was posted on twitter it was immediately swarmed by transphobes, but here everyone's just like "yeah cool, biological sex is impossible to quantify, anyway I wanna hear about exploding dicks, tell me about the exploding dicks"

(boosted below so you don't have to go through all the faff should you want to boost this) #MissedQuoteBoost

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Weird fluffy advent, day 22 

Sometimes it can be hard to find a #Santa hat that fits properly, but there's always a solution to be found.

#FluffyAdvent #silly #festive #Christmas #picture #creature #AdventCalendar

evilstevie boosted

UKpol, NHS, Healthcare provision 

If I hear one more person wittering on about "efficiency savings" in the #NHS I'm going to scream. The NHS has been pared to the bone in the name of efficiency savings and it does not work because you can't predict exactly when or how people are going to need the service.

I don't want the NHS to be efficient. I want it to have the capacity to deal with whatever gets thrown at it. I WANT there to be empty beds, because that means there's nobody waiting for a bed. I WANT Doctors to spend a certain amount of their day twiddling their thumbs, because that means people aren't stuck waiting in pain and desperation.

Am i weird?

Maybe John Mastodon was Scottish all along - Sean Mashtodon

evilstevie boosted

This is Ume Tange (also called Umeko). She's in her 70s in this photo. It's in 1948: she was born in 1873, and she died in 1955.

Tange was a nutritional chemist, and she had some amazing science career firsts behind her.

She was in the first group of Japanese women to enter full university, & again,when she was awarded her first science PhD. Tange had 2 by the time of this photo.

I've created an English-language Wikipedia page about her ... 1/4

#HistSci #WomenInSTEM

evilstevie boosted

My brings all the weird to the yard.
And they're like, it's weirder than yours
Damn right it's weirder than yours
I can teach you, but I have to charge.

evilstevie boosted

getting sloppy drunk and getting kicked off the server for yelling "TAKE EM OFF!" at the Jort Horse

evilstevie boosted

If it reads like I’m advocating for violence against a specific billionaire, please understand I’m not. I want violence to happen to all of them

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evilstevie boosted

Good news, everyone. The days are getting longer again.

evilstevie boosted

You walk away from the christmas tree for 5 minutes and this happens…

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

I’m profoundly offended by Megachurches. Build God a Megahomeless shelter and stop being fake Christians.

evilstevie boosted

All jokes aside, remember what Christmas is really about, people.

Rich people being terrorized by spectres until they agree to pay their employees a living wage.

evilstevie boosted

I'd like an instance on an old shock site domain. imagine the shitposting that could happen on goatse dot cx

evilstevie boosted

He's not a monk that took a vow of silence, for crying out loud. He's a manchild, who is having a strop, very red and nude, but not online.

evilstevie boosted


Mastodon can be a daunting place if you are an agent of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance. Make sure to write an introduction using the hashtags introduction and introductions and don't forget to include an up to date photo of your feet if it's your first day.

evilstevie boosted

Today begins with a revisit to last week’s calls and chaos. I knew I shouldn’t have had fun yesterday. But what will be today’s recurring call centre name? Last week, two thirds were called Adam. This week, bets are still on.

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)