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evilstevie boosted

EKaren Musk, SpaceX and Twitter 

A writeup from an Intern at SpaceX about how Elon Musk required being managed so that the employees could do their job properly.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Jay-Z will always live in the shadow of his brother A, author of the best-selling ‘London’.

evilstevie boosted

At this point Shitter is just three racist tweets in a trench coat

evilstevie boosted

Some Mastodon tips I've learned:

- You need a fit, young hunting party
- They are not easy to bring down, so make sure your spears have extremely sharp tips
- Ensure you have a supply line and pack animals available to transport the meat and pelt back to the cave

evilstevie boosted

Great to see Duolingo coaching people how to announce their flounce away from Twitter. Bang on the zeitgeist.

evilstevie boosted

...Also, I was only 4 or 5 years old. The paper figure tabs stated 'Tear Off Carefully' and I misunderstood. I thought they meant 'tear' as in cry, and 'tear off' was an expression I didn't yet know, so the tabs were warning 'if you get scared or upset, do so carefully.'
#DoctorWho #1970s #DoctorWhoDay

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evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Given the severe mobility issues that come with having no functioning elbow or knee joints, is it any surprise that the Lego people rely on us to build everything for them?

evilstevie boosted

Eigg isn't connected to the UK national grid. Instead we generate 90% to 95% of our electricity from wind, sun, & water (hydro). Community-owned Eigg Electric was switched on in 2008. Islanders are trained and employed to manage it. Electricity costs 28p per unit/kWh. Before 2008 each property had its own diesel generator. Now we have 24kW of wind, 110kW of hydro, 170kW of solar PV, storage batteries, and a back up generator. Next challenge is #netzero #renewables #eigg

evilstevie boosted

Apparently, I'm disorganised and I should *checks notes* Nope, didn't write it down.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

"Please," said the man, "can you do magic to make me be kind?"
"No," said the witch. "Magic cannot change anyone's nature."
"So there is no hope for me?"
"You ask the wrong question. Kind is not something you are. It is what you do."
"Is it that simple?"
"It is that hard."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

One drag queen did more to stop the gunman in Colorado than hundreds of cops could do in Texas. We should put one drag queen at every school, clearly kids would be safer.

Edit: Correction, I'm now reading that it was a trans woman not a drag queen. Still, an unarmed veteran and a trans woman did what 346 cops with a $4 million budget couldn't handle in Texas.

evilstevie boosted

An #introduction for new followers who don't already know me from the Other Place...
I'm an independent artist trying to catch a break with his cult movie, TV, music and general retro t-shirts.
Everything is #organic or #recycled material, #vegan-friendly and #plasticfree.
If you like what you see please boost me up. Thank you!

evilstevie boosted

Timeline of a new Mastodon user:

Day 1: this sucks servers are confusing and why is my feed empty

Day 2: why is there no quote tweet this is dumb

Day 3: mastodon better make some changes if it wants to compete with tw_tter

Day 7: hm, people are really nice here

Day 10: loving the no ads and real conversations



evilstevie boosted

Doing an interview with the BBC to promote my upcoming musical “Allegiance” in London.
This is my legacy project, the work I am most proud of and am most eager to share with UK audiences. It tells the story of our community, when 120,000 Japanese Americans were put into barbed wire prison camps during WWII because we resembled the people who bombed Pearl Harbor.
Allegiance is a celebration of the human spirit over adversity. #NeverForget
For tickets visit:

evilstevie boosted

Let’s have one of my favourite photos of all time. This is Bruno, the best cat ever, a cat in a lifetime. He was 15 when I took this photo, and lived til he was 18
#catsofmastodon #cat #voidcat #bestcatever

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)