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evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

With Space X we thought we were past being stuck having to use rockets made by Nazis.

Plus ça change...

evilstevie boosted

vendors: you should implement Zero Trust and Assume Compromise

me: right, so you mean I shouldn't trust you and assume you're compromised, right?

vendors: NOT LIKE THAT

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Well, it's #GroundhogDay, again.

“Only in America do we accept weather predictions from a rodent but deny #ClimateChange evidence from scientists.”

I share this meme every year on February 2. #science

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Had to get a loaner vehicle from a local dealership because a 10 y/o car that I love needed a lot of work. So they gave me the latest model of the same car -- brand new -- which was vastly less powerful than ours, and kept trying to steer me between the lines and cause the steering wheel to rumble when I hit a line and all kinds of crap that just annoyed me.

The dealership probably thought they would entice me to buy the newer model, but driving it just made me more convinced I made the right decision to put the money into the old car.

evilstevie boosted

"tech quality has taken such a dive since the whole AI thing"

"let me introduce you to the artist who, four years ago, caused a virtual major traffic jam, diverting actual traffic to other routes, by rolling a handcart down the sidewalk with 99 mobile phones in it."

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

@stavvers Reminds me of the (apocryphal?) story of crows that pull horse-chestnut seeds off trees and put them on roads, so passing cars will crack the tough seeds open.

But crows don't like horse-chestnuts that much. On the other hand, squirrels love them. So squirrels run into the road to collect them. And sometimes get hit by cars.

And crows love the taste of dead squirrel.

evilstevie boosted

computers are a completely normal field where there are still existing databases built on descendants of something called PICK OS, an early database made in the 60s to organize parts for a helicopter that never existed, for a system called Generalized Information Retrieval Language System (GIRLS), as created by a guy named Dick Pick.

evilstevie boosted

you took a perfectly good turing machine and gave it to a bunch of capitalists. look at it. it's got hallucinations. it thinks it's a parrot. what have you done.

h/t @Meyerweb

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

I started creating miniature 3d printed buildings so that blind people can feel what they are like. So far I have 9 buildings, including the White House, Smithsonian Castle or the Independence Hall, but there is many more to come.
You can read more about the project at:


evilstevie boosted


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@stavvers Thoughts'n'prayers for the old HP ;)
donation is in for the Brother - overarm that HP inket into the e-waste abyss

@Richard_Littler morning, and I am jealous of your mountainous environs :)

evilstevie boosted
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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)