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evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

He’s so good

Gov. #Walz in #NorthCarolina: "You know her story. Took on the predators. Took on the fraudsters. Took on the transnational gangs. Took on the big corporate interests … I bet she never thought the predators and the fraudsters and the greedy corporate interests would be all wrapped up into one person on a debate stage."

evilstevie boosted

@Angle kinda thinking of going from gimp to imgmagick levels of silliness here.

but for *everything*

excel/google sheets?
spreadsheet -tab ExampleTab -cell A4 -value 25

evilstevie boosted

Tony Hart should be posthumously warranted the same "National Treasure" status as Sir David Attenborough. He taught generations about art, had a funny plastercine sidekick and didn't fiddle with kids

@Angle ah. kinda sounds like we could solve this by skipping the whole code -> drawing step though

@Angle I like the idea, just backwards.
something that brokers the APIs/GUI hooks to provide a meaningful CLI

evilstevie boosted

Nobody under the age of 30 will appreciate this. But take a moment to realise how fucking incredible iPads are. Amongst other things, it's a portable, high-quality TV you can take anywhere. I'd have called it proper sci-fi if you'd told me about it as a kid back in the 1980s.

evilstevie boosted

I posted this on Tumblr. I didn't think it would go far. But ... people have clipped it from Tumblr, shared in on Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, it's had at least ONE AI read on Tiktok, and a few on Youtube ... so ... just so you know who posted it ... Hi. My pharmacist stole my deadname.

evilstevie boosted

If the Swifties were able to organize an assassination attempt in less than 12 hours then just think of how many voters they'll be able to mobilize by November.

evilstevie boosted
so, today i learned that BIC ran an advertisement campaign 10 years ago, one that actually yielded something interesting, a font that was an average sum of people's handwriting! it was called the "universal typeface experiment"

...but the campaign got taken down the year after, and it was extremely hard tracking down the fonts for the longest time.

so, someone on reddit randomly popped up with a sketchy download link to it, so i snagged it and plopped it on internet archive so that this shit doesn't get lost lmfao
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

what if sisyphus got a coin every time he rolled the boulder up the hill and then he could spend his coins in the shop to level up his pushing ability but each time he leveled up the boulder also got heavier so the challenge remains the same despite feeling like progression has been made. and what if he was able to unlock sisyphus minions that could roll the boulder up the hill while he was away. also every time he starts a new roll an ad plays. and also he can choose to watch an ad every time he drops the boulder to receive 2x coins for that round. and also you can buy fun skins for the boulder through microtransactions

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)