This is hilariously bad peak bubble bullshit marketing. The value proposition of this product is apparently you don't have any human friends so you want inane LLM babble at the press of a button to convey the impression of a "friend" interacting with you.
It's like a Furby without the fur.
People: AI is destroying our environment.
Tech bro: This is an incredible opportunity for innovation in green tech energy!
People: There's no such thing as green tech energy. It all pollutes. It's just a matter of scale
Tech bro: The more energy and water AI consumes the greater the opportunities for tech innovation in energy and water conservation
People: You're not making any sense.
Tech bro: AI is the future. You can't stop progress. Innovation is key to everything.
People: Are you AI?
It's FRIIIIIIDAAAAAAY! As ever have a good weekend, if you possibly can. Whoop whoop!
RIP John Mayall
For those of over 60 John Mayall was one of the ways we discovered the blues (and its interaction with Jazz) in the 1960s/70s.... a fabulous advocate for the blues whose (often) mixed-race bands were a lesson in recognising your influences.
Went for a walk. The clouds were in fine, fine form. Slightly badly behaved though.
Seriously, the clouds were spectacular today. Look at this fluffy beast!
#sillyScribbles #cloudCreatures #silly #nonsense #skying #googlyEyes
Portrait of Myfanwy van Egg, aka horned wimple FTW
@stavvers I may have initiated a new version of shandy today (as a non-drinker) by suggesting using the aussie lemonade monster in place of regular lemonade to go with the beer (estrella, drinker's choice).
observer's notes: 2/3 beer poured, 1/3 monster added on top. looked like orange squash. drinks were chilled on ice for 30 mins before test
taster's notes: tastes good, think the alcohol was absorbed faster than the beer alone. will repeat.
nicknamed "supercharged shandy" for now
Fuchsia flowers, in both bud and blooming forms, always make me think of fancy frocks. So aye.
The sun is peeking out. It's due to rain later. I desperately need to go and tidy the garden a bit as it is even wilder than usual.
Bah. Don't want to, but I'm going to, because apparently that's who I am now.
frequent overthinker, compulsive fixer, digester-then-explainer, "why?" question relishing father, minor-irritant partner, excessive disassembler, original-form hacker, high-efficiency googler, borderline-competent car-fixer, expert-level car-breaker, faster-by-qwerty communicator, indiscriminate photo-taker, Leatherman owner.