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evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Got some positive testing results on ancient devices (& there's not a lot I can do to improve it anyway) so decided to bung it live!

@mattround I'm intrigued - 2 locals appear to be close to branches of WHS. forbidden book leakage?

evilstevie boosted

It turns out Google Chrome ships a default, hidden extension that allows code on `*` access to private APIs, including your current CPU usage

You can test it out by pasting the following into your Chrome DevTools console on any Google page:

{ method: "cpu.getInfo" },
(response) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));

More notes here:

evilstevie boosted

@lowqualityfacts that's not an outhouse, it's the greenhouse.
side-note for tourists: don't eat the organic tomatoes if you get on a palace tour.

evilstevie boosted

Things to name your Roomba:

- H.R. Suckinstuff
- R2Clean2
- G.I.R.
- John McClean
- Clean Latifa
- Buttercup
- Vlad the Inhaler

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

@JennyList I only know you from what you have put into the world and have nothing but respect for you. I know thats not the point, but I feel the work is better with you in it.

evilstevie boosted

Have nothing in your home that you do not
• know to be useful
• believe to be beautiful
• feel unaccountable vague fondness for
• can imagine a hypothetical situation in which you'd *really* need it
• firmly intend to get round to doing something with one of these days
• can't remove because of all the other junk piled on top of it
• feel guilty about not dealing with something more important first
• fear throwing away in case you remember tomorrow why you bought it
• miscellaneous

evilstevie boosted

*pops in*

It's Friday! The Tories are gone & the world is briefly a slightly brighter place for it. Have a good weekend if you possibly can 😃

*pops out again*

#FridaySparklyDancers #sillyScribbles #animation

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

strange women lying in ponds distributing swords actually sounds like a pretty decent alternative right now

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Supreme Court: The president has immunity for official acts.

Biden: Wet socks.

Supreme Court: What?

Biden: Official order, new uniforms. Wet socks, tight bowling shoes, thick wool robes. Get em on.

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)