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evilstevie boosted

As it's been 20 years since I made the original, I thought I'd recreate my "Monitor Slapping" GIF. Except now I'm slapping myself through time....

evilstevie boosted

seen elsewhere:

"I'm not a Star Wars fan, I actually *like* it."


evilstevie boosted

One of the few openly Anti-Fascist voices in uk politics, and he has to wear a bin on his head for the Media to pay him attention.

#London #LondonMayoralElection #CountBinface #Ukpolitics #UKpol

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

I'm not saying Boeing murdered the whistleblowers. I'm saying try not to run a company such that people think you MIGHT have.

@foone rii do a range of tiny wireless keyboards but the actual key-press actions are sucky.
maybe a raspi zero-w macro pad with a small lipo?

evilstevie boosted

Taking off my house hoodie and putting on my professional hoodie for a videoconference.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

When people tell me “You’re gonna regret that in the morning” I just sleep in til noon. Because I’m a problem-solver.

evilstevie boosted

the upside of having ADHD is that I can complete a month's worth of work for a whole team in the space of a weekend and a couple of evenings.

the downside of having ADHD is that I keep putting myself in situations where I need to complete a month's worth of work for a whole team in the space of a weekend and a couple of evenings.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

beans beans the wonderful fruit

the more you eat the more you post on mastodon

evilstevie boosted

Great, now the terfs are coming for self-medding.

I know pretty much all trans people already know this, but perhaps it needs saying.


evilstevie boosted

My million dollar idea I want someone to steal and do, so I can be a customer.

"Dumb Stuff" we sell electronic appliances that aren't Internet connected. That's all.

That's it. That's the pitch. I would buy the <bleep> out of this company if their electronic gadgets were even half way decent, and repairable.

Electronic, no wifi, regular screws to open it up. That's it. Do those three things, and you can be sold by this store.

I will pay this business to curate and find these devices for me.

evilstevie boosted
evilstevie boosted

Devs sometimes talk about being "close to the metal" but there is no other software engineering team in the world right now that are simultaneously working as close to and as far away from the metal as the people keeping Voyager working.

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@mattround @secretrobot I've been working for a company that hosted the helldesk for my home ISP, and only managed to bypass the idiocy-filter by phoning from inside the company and requesting they look up my employee id and team (networks) so please accept that I have done the bare level of diagnosis and move on to the actual problem, which was a DNS server of the ISP being fubar.
Surprisingly it worked. though they did ask if I'd hacked it to provide that info :'(
(nslookup and traceroute ...)

@hypnogoria iirc the top cover picture was a line-drawing a couple of chapters after Grendel's Dam

@hypnogoria heck yes. it's still on one of the shelves somewhere :)

@hypnogoria okay, now I feel old. loved this book as a kid, had the green/grey coloured version of this cover too

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)