@evilstevie when the US had a "joint landing exercise" with the Portuguese military, their landing craft, tanks and troops were stopped by the sandy beaches around Grândola (in Portugal, the name of the location was used in song as a symbol of the fight against the Dictatorship that ruled the country between 1933 and 1974, and that song was used as a code to start the Carnation Revolution). It was funny to watch the marines get stuck and needing sappers for a simple landing exercise. Go sand! [Edit: Since people might not know, the Grândola vila/small town is purported as a Portuguese Communist Party stronghold, in Legislative elections no other party has won there yet, so the newspapers said "the Communist sands of Grândola stopped the Capitalist marines" and things like that] https://www.dn.pt/arquivo/diario-de-noticias/areias-de-concelho-comunista-bloquearam-marines-dos-eua-4845055.html @cstross
@evilstevie when the US had a "joint landing exercise" with the Portuguese military, their landing craft, tanks and troops were stopped by the sandy beaches around Grândola (in Portugal, the name of the location was used in song as a symbol of the fight against the Dictatorship that ruled the country between 1933 and 1974, and that song was used as a code to start the Carnation Revolution). It was funny to watch the marines get stuck and needing sappers for a simple landing exercise. Go sand!
[Edit: Since people might not know, the Grândola vila/small town is purported as a Portuguese Communist Party stronghold, in Legislative elections no other party has won there yet, so the newspapers said "the Communist sands of Grândola stopped the Capitalist marines" and things like that]