I need help with an English word. A story told as a series of individual points of view, like Akira Kurosawa’s, Ran. Or in some wasys the book Dracula, but Dracula is just epistolary. There’s a literary term for this, right?
[edit] Not Ran (which is also a great film) RASHOMON! I composed this post after a long week of 12+ hour days on a tight deadline. I’m mortified! 😂
So no, the term I am looking for is not the Rashomon effect. I think I want there to be a term for this. Maybe I’m delirious.
@MattMerk multiperspectivity?
maybe multivocal narration if different characters present their own perspectives?
@evilstevie It's definitely not a word in high rotation in my vernacular, but I have a friend who's writing a book. It is a fictional compilation of reportage from different people's perspectives in a kind of interview/journalism format. A similar book format might be World War Z.
I first encountered the word multiperspectivity in a conversation about the book Dracula, which has changing character focus and styles. But that word only kind of fit with the Bram Stoker novel.