This is actually one of the listing photos for a "Macintosh 512k" listed for sale on Etsy right now. I'd say it's a good deal, especially given how hard it is to find a keyboard for those old Macs.

edit: apparently this image is artwork by Lola Dupre, not the work of an AI gone amok. Still not sure why it's one of the photos attached to a Mac-for-sale listing, but I think I still want an 1800-key keyboard now.

@autumn This looks like what the artist would do if she was doing computers and not cats and people 😊

@autumn Oops I was saying this as a joke but it’s actually hers!! — her work is so unique that this picture immediately reminded me of it! I had no idea she was doing objects now ^_^


@nclm @autumn @foone I don't know why my first thought on this was "uh oh, Foonery happening" but it still looks like the kind of thing they'd have a good go at :)

@evilstevie @nclm @autumn Yeah I have a plan for a keyboard much like this, designed after a Monotype keyboard

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)