Right! Today's silly little clay project is making the mastodon elephant based on a little doodle I did of it that may or may not be right idk. So far so good

So far so good. Gotta wait for him to dry a bit before carrying on though

his hand is up like that because he's going to be holding a cocktail umbrella btw

This guy is drying ok so should be able to do more tomorrow, and his cocktail parasols will be arriving so he can be fancy and sun safe

OK so the elephant now has legs and tusks but I could not get the balance right to make him stand so he's a lazy chap

Needs to dry then I can make him nice and smooth and shape him properly

I have been asked why I would want to make this and my question is why would I not, look how happey he is with his lil umbrella, c'mon now

I sanded him a bit and added some more clay to shape him and give him a little belly and, well..

Being handed the power to make things is just too much for one person*

*this person specifically

Edit: I have taken his pert rear away again to ruminate upon the possibility because I had a vision which I must admit did not involve ripe elephant peaches

@evilstevie In my mind, at least. This lad's going to be living on my desk as a reminder of the glory of mastodon

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)