Someone should make a ISA hard drive card for old computers, that's just a RAM drive + a supercap and an SD card.

RAM is so comparatively cheap these days that you could easily have a hard drive bigger than old computers could even support.

like on amazon I can get a 4gb DDR SODIMM for 9$.
my family's first computer's entire hard drive was only like 200mb


@foone <cries in pre-HDD age>
5th computer (though first was a temp-loan Commodore Pet) in our house was an Arch A400 with (iirc) 20mb of hard disk.
first one I took apart fully was my 486 with its chonky 40mb ide drive. used to love going to sleep while defragging that thing :)

still, my phone has a terabyte of micro-sd in it today, so that's progress I guess

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Mastod1 be nice. (sorry, closed for new registrations after a bunch of 'commercial/spamming' accounts jumped in - rule 3 on site)