No broadband for a week, yet another engineer being sent out tomorrow, fingers crossed

(Turns out my original diagnosis of the problem was correct, but no one would consider it until line & router were fully ruled out *screams*)

@mattround had this when our Telegraph pole was replaced, engineers said our cable was like 50 years old and perished. Called my ISP to replace (their responsibility for some reason). Had to do some many diagnostics and stuff. Despite being told exactly what was wrong.

@olly I get that they're constantly dealing with people who've plugged stuff in wrongly (or not at all) etc, 95% of the time it makes sense to drag it back to basics, but it's a nightmare when you're in the 5%
(With hindsight, I should've been an arsehole & hassled engineer to prove router was broken by showing another one working)

@mattround I wish there was some kind of rotating phrase that bypasses level 1 and 2 support desk nonsense. Or even a flag on your account "This person doesn't type URLs into Google Search fields". It's demoralising to experience and costs them time and money too.

@secretrobot In this case I'm sympathetic as this line has had endless problems & the router was v old, but I raised suspicions about what I saw in the router logs and no one picked up on it


@mattround @secretrobot I've been working for a company that hosted the helldesk for my home ISP, and only managed to bypass the idiocy-filter by phoning from inside the company and requesting they look up my employee id and team (networks) so please accept that I have done the bare level of diagnosis and move on to the actual problem, which was a DNS server of the ISP being fubar.
Surprisingly it worked. though they did ask if I'd hacked it to provide that info :'(
(nslookup and traceroute ...)

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