I know there are allot of technically proficient users of #Linux #A11y here, so thought I would throw this out there. I've used #Vmware's windows desktop products for years but don't like the direction things are going. I have, for some years now, wanted to jump to running #virtualmachine guests on a Linux host and this looks like the time. My problem is that I'm still not sure which host/manager combination is easily usable by a #blind user. I'm planning on running both Windows and Linux guests. There are a ton of guest managers with web interfaces, which sounds like the way to go given that I don't think #Orca is usable and I would prefer not to use the command line/config files. I've found a list but, of course, nothing is said about how they work with screen readers. Does anyone have any experience with this? Boosts would be very gratefully received and, of course, failures are just as valuable as successes in sorting the field. #blindness


@techsinger non-blind, my use-case is Windows VM over linux (ubuntu, lts releases).
virtualbox is my go-to as specific resources down to certain usb devices can be passed through to show natively to the VM.
no compatibility issues for ports that exist on host but older serial stuff I end up passing through a usb serial adaptor to give a native serial port to the OS, which doesn't work well for pre-usb device drivers expecting a low-index serial port like com1 rather than com9 or such.

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